andlt;p style=andquot;text-align: center;andquot;andgt;andlt;strongandgt;LAST PROPERTYandnbsp;andlt;/strongandgt;andlt;/pandgt; andlt;p style=andquot;text-align: center;andquot;andgt;andlt;strongandgt;SHOW HOME AVAILABLE FULLY FURNISHEDandlt;/strongandgt;andlt;/pandgt; Palapa Golf apartments inandnbsp; VillaMartin this garden apartment giving you much outside space. Walk straight from your bedroom to your terrace what's not to love. Open plan kitchen dining area and lounge. Two bedrooms 2 bathrooms. The outside has plenty of covered area to beat off the Costa Blanca sunshine. A stunning communal pool gives you the luxury without worrying about the upkeep and beautiful green areas. Villa Martin has a plaza with numerous shops and lots of restaurants. You have an abundance ofandnbsp; golf courses in the area and 10 minutes from the miles of costa blanca beaches. andlt;a href=andquot;;bedrooms=andamp;bathrooms=andamp;location%5B%5D=villamartinandamp;min-price=andamp;max-price=andquot;andgt;;bedrooms=andamp;bathrooms=andamp;location%5B%5D=villamartinandamp;min-price=andamp;max-price=andlt;/aandgt; andlt;button class=andquot;btn btn-homes-redandquot;andgt;andlt;strongandgt;[elementor-template id=andquot;31480andquot;]andlt;/strongandgt;andnbsp;andlt;/buttonandgt;
Property ID :
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Price :
Property Status :
For Sale
Bedrooms :
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