

Los Alcazares, Murcia, Spain



LAST ONE!!Sunbreeze, our residential development, overlooks the Gulf of Mar
Menor next to Los Narejos beach, one of the six best beaches in
Spain and Los Alcázares sports port. Sunbreeze has been designed
by our architects to combin...

LAST ONE!!Sunbreeze, our residential development, overlooks the Gulf of Mar
Menor next to Los Narejos beach, one of the six best beaches in
Spain and Los Alcázares sports port. Sunbreeze has been designed
by our architects to combine a minimalist style of detached homes
and an enviable landscape.
The 18-hole golf course has been engineered by Manolo Piñero,
who based the project on attention to the details to be included
in La Serena Golf so that each golfer could feel the magic of the
sport through a layout that encompasses different landscapes and
adjusts to the orography and vegetation of the area.
However, Sunbreeze is not only about location. Both the design and
the construction of the residential development result from always
demanding respect for the environment and compliance with
high quality standards for our projects, not only regarding design,
development or completion, but also the materials we work with.STRUCTURE
Foundati ons are made of reinforced concrete. The horizontal supporti ng structure is made of reinforced concrete, whereas the verti cal one comprises metallic
pillars. This gives the building robustness and endurance, as it is the most important part of building because it supports the whole building.
The exterior facade is fi nished with a single layer of mortar, with areas covered with other suitable facade-friendly materials and lacquered aluminium joinery;
this gives the building an elegant, good-quality look.
Indoors, walls are lined with a combinati on of plaster boards and glass fi bre (PANELSYSTEM type) and thermal insulati on in the chamber, thus getti ng excellent
indoor fi nishing and magnifi cent exterior thermal and acousti c insulati on.
It is possible to fi nish the facade with EIFS (exterior insulati on and fi nish system) (weber therm or similar) over ½ foot brick; the exterior is fi nished in acrylic,
with areas covered with other suitable facade-friendly materials and lacquered aluminium profi les; this gives the building an elegant, good-quality look. This
minimizes the heat bridges which, in the light of the high CTE (Spanish Building Code) demands, are of paramount importance for an energy-effi cient house.
Indoors, walls are lined with a combinati on of plaster boards and glass fi bre (PANELSYSTEM type) or laminated plaster, thus getti ng excellent indoor fi nishing
and magnifi cent exterior thermal and acousti c insulati on.
A fl at inverted roof will be set up, fi nished with ceramic ti les or gravel, depending or whether it is walk-on or not, respecti vely. Rain water is drained, with an
overfl ow fi tti ng to avoid problems in case of blockage.
A combinati on of plaster boards and glass fi bre (PANELSYSTEM type or similar) has been chosen for all dividers, which grants perfect fi nish and enhanced
acousti c insulati on.
It is made of lacquered aluminium, with high-quality profi les and heat bridge breakage for double glazing (climalit type), which gives security, energy savings
and sun control.
The windows are sliding, hinged and ti lt-and-turn as per design and have aluminium blinds.
The safety rails of outdoor terraces and the deck area on the roof are made of security tempered laminated sheet glass, which combines the most avantgarde
aestheti cs with the top security features.
The front door is reinforced, mounted onto the side walls. The door has lacquered wood inside and a security lock; outside it is fi nished with suitable facadefriendly
materials. Internal doors are manufactured following the most advanced technological laminated sheet procedures, which guarantees the necessary
robustness, and are fi nished in lacquered wood.
The houses have big wardrobes in all bedrooms, which are fully fi nished with drawers and shelves, designed for easy cleaning.
The living room has been designed to be a nice, luxurious place, which allows for diff erent decorati on styles to be chosen by each family.
Walls are painted in plain colour, which reveals the impeccable fi nish of the supports and gives a feeling of space to the rooms. Ceilings are fi nished in white
paint to enhance the room brightness.
The kitchen is integrated with the living room and will have top and bott om furniture, the latt er ending in a porcelain top (this material is well known for its
resistance and good quality). It will be fi tt ed with glass-ceramic cooktop, oven and a cooker hood. Walls will be shaped with recti fi ed ceramic ti les.
The public areas will have recti fi ed ceramic fl ooring, which gives a quality touch to the house and a cosy feeling of well-being to the dwellers.
If you are away and want to disconnect the electrical supply to the house, the fridge can sti ll be left on, as it has an independent power point from that of the
electrical installati on of the rest of the house.
Recti fi ed ceramic fl ooring has been used with skirti ng boards matching the ti les, thus creati ng a very warm, cuddly environment. Paint is plain on walls and
the ceiling to give a sensati on of space and brightness.
Flooring and ti ling for this bathroom will comprise recti fi ed ceramic ti les, which gives a disti nguished, elegant touch. We have set up a shower with a crystal
shower screen. The sink is mounted on a cabinet. Bathroom fi tti ngs will be Roca or of similar quality. Single-lever taps will be set up, which gives the room
a quality, stylish look.
Ground Floor: We have chosen a more informal design: walls and fl oors are ti led with recti fi ed ceramic pieces. The sink is mounted on a cabinet. Bathroom
fi tti ngs will be Roca or of similar quality, with single-lever taps.
Rusti c ti le fl ooring is the style chosen for these areas.
For the house to be thermally comfortable, an air-to-air heat pump has been installed with highly effi cient outdoor units that serve the house through glass
fi bre ducts. The system is controlled with a chronothermostat for opti mal air intensity and temperature regulati on.
The cold and hot water pipes are high mounted, under the suspended ceilings, for easier localizati on; they will be plasti c to prevent corrosion.
Also, this material allows for eliminati ng scaling, thus extending the installati on's useful life.

Property Details

  • Property ID :

  • Property Type :

  • Price :

  • Property Status :


  • Detached Villa

  • €300,000

  • For Sale

  • Bedrooms :

  • Bathrooms :

  • Property Size :

  • Plot Size :

  • 3

  • 4

  • 133m²

  • 312

Location Los Alcazares Murcia Spain

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