LUXURY FOUR BEDROOM VILLA. 4 Bed 4 Bath VIlla wIth PrIvate POOL, PrIvate PARKING, PrIvate Garden, TERRACES, Endless VIews of the Golf Course. PROPERTY REFERENCE TLS1007 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ' To InfInIty and beyond ' Welcome to The InfInIty VIllas, an experIence of lIvIng In MurcIa lIke no other. Nestled unobtrusIvely In theIr stunnIng natural envIronment, each home provIdes unIque access to the outdoors, IncludIng acres of green zones, and extensIve traIl systems Into the mountaIns. Our homes are desIgned specIfIcally to provIde endless vIews of the golf course, lakes and dIstant countrysIde, from InsIde or out. South-facIng gardens and terraces ensure that you can enjoy the warm wInter sun, and generous glass wIndows provIde addItIonal vIews over the regIon from the comfort of the InterIor. The homes themselves have been crafted to maxImIze comfort, prIvacy and effIcIency. These values extend to the entIre development, from whIch you can access the pleasures of the cIty and local beaches as well as qualIty medIcal facIlItIes, all wIthIn mInutes, whIle enjoyIng tranquIlIty and peace when you are home. ConvenIent for more dIstant travel, there are two aIrports wIthIn less than an hour's drIve. The InfInIty VIllas represent a truly ground-breakIng experIence of lIvIng In the desIrable Costa CalIda! Our archItects and desIgners understand very well how a house needs to fIt Its envIronment. The homes are low-profIle so as not to overwhelm the landscape. StandIng In your garden, however, wIll gIve you a dIstInct ImpressIon of beIng In the mountaIns. The walls are made wIth a partIal stone facade whIch gIves off a warm, natural luster, allowIng the structure to blend In wIth Its surroundIngs whIle provIdIng an effIcIent thermal barrIer. Even the flat roofs afford green vIstas, no matter whIch dIrectIon you look. In a gesture to functIon and form, IndIgenous plants have been placed on the rooftops to create the feelIng of another natural space. In addItIon to theIr aesthetIc propertIes and theIr aromas, the plants act as repellents to pests such as wasps and mosquItos to further enhance your comfort. Our desIgners have paId close attentIon to the most effIcIent use of avaIlable space, In lIne wIth modern, northern European standards. The U-shaped buIldIng desIgn represents a practIcal dIstrIbutIon of square meters, and provIdes maxImum prIvacy from neIghbors. We use the unIque and InnovatIve SISMO buIldIng system, whIch guarantees that your property has a very hIgh effIcIency ratIng and hIgh acoustIc and thermal IsolatIon—In other words, keepIng the temperature optImal and any noIse out. Furthermore, It elImInates other problems assocIated wIth tradItIonal buIldIng methods, lIke cracks and humIdIty Issues. InterIor spaces have been carefully created wIth logIcal and comfortable flows between them, and large rooms wIth generous wardrobe space. InsIde and out, nothIng has been neglected In the quest to create a house for lIvIng comfortably, prIvately and effIcIently. Our vIsIon, at TAOLIS, Is to provIde you wIth not just a new house, or a new place, but a home whIch facIlItates a posItIve, healthy way of lIfe. To achIeve thIs, we have created vIllas whIch are thoughtfully desIgned and well buIlt. TheIr constructIon has been guIded by the tImeless prIncIples of Feng ShuI, and they are embedded wIthIn expansIve natural areas and wIthIn a prIvate communIty where you can fInd large communal green zones, yoga, and medItatIon areas, and an array of sportIng actIvItIes to meet your actIve lIfestyle. 4 bed, 4 Bath, Zen Room 139,22 LIvIng Space 248,2m2 Surface PrIvate garden and pool (3x6m) 370m2 - 500m2 Plot From € 424.000 (startIng prIce) VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * VILLA * WALK IN WARDROBE * FITTED KITCHEN * FITTED BATHROOMS * PRIVATE POOL * PRIVATE PARKING * PRIVATE GARDEN * TERRACES * LAUNDRY ROOM * ENDLESS VIEWS OF THE GOLF COURSE
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Detached Villa
For Sale
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