LAST ONE REMAiNiNG. These new build detached villas offer great value giving you the opportunity to live on the 5 star Las Colinas Golf & Beach Resort at a very reasonable price. The villas are two storey with bright, open plan lounge/dining/kitchen with large glass doors leading out to the garden and swimming pool, master bedroom with en suite, guest toilet. Upstairs there are two double bedrooms with access to a sun terrace and a shower room upstairs. Build size 150 m2 on a plot size of 666 m2. The villas include the following : PREMiUM TiLES WiTH NON SLiP EXTERiOR TiLES, TiLiNG AROUND BATH AND SHOWER AREAS, DOUBLE GLAZED WiNDOWS, MOTORiZED ALUMiNiUM BLiNDS iN BEDROOMS, BUiLT iN WARDROBES, FULL DUCTED AiR CONDiTiONiNG, UNDERFLOOR HEATiNG iN BATHROOMS, FULLY FiTTED KiTCHEN WiTH WHiTE LACQUERED DOORS, MiCROWAVE, WASHiNG MACHiNE, COOKER HOOD, FRiDGE FREEZER, DiSHWASHER, HOB, OVEN, SiLESTONE OR SiMiLAR WHiTE WORKTOP, STAiNLESS STEEL SiNK, SALT SYSTEM 8M X 3M SWiMMiNG POOL WiTH 2 SPOTLiGHTS, EXTERiOR SHOWER, SOLAR PANELS, DURAViT BATH FiTTiNGS, HANSGROHE TAPS, iNTEGRATED SiNK UNiT iN BATHROOM WiTH WHiTE DOORS, ViDEO ENTRY PHONE, iNTERiOR & EXTERiOR LED LiGHTS, PRE iNSTALLED AUTOMATiON SYSTEM.
Property ID :
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Property Status :
Detached Villa
For Sale
Bedrooms :
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